With the volume of legislation and layers of company procedures that you and your business need to go through, getting it right these days is not always accomplished. This may not be intentional as a potential risk can inadvertently be misjudged, but when you are dealing with Britain’s biggest occupational killer, making the right choices should be a fundamental priority.
John F Hunt Environmental can remove this risk for you. Our Unconditional Support Service means that we will assist you every step of the way, with the scope of work, development of an achievable strategy, and deliver a complaint and reliable service while maintaining one objective – SAFETY.
We achieve this by:
- Employing a team of competent and qualified Contract Managers to help you at every stage, including the planning, costing and final delivery.
- Providing project specific asbestos workshops that offer debate for all your perceived risks.
- Developing an asbestos handbook for construction professionals that can incorporate your internal policies and working procedures.
- Establishing an ‘Asbestos Working Group for Health & Safety Professionals’, which is exclusively for our customers, and currently has over 25 members from 14 separate organisations.
My message to you has one aim, and that is to offer you a simple solution that will reduce your risk for all asbestos-related issues.
If your existing HSE licensed asbestos removal contractor fails to provide you with the service you need, seek an alternative – contact me, Stewart Powell at John F Hunt Environmental.
Mobile: 07816 128 461
Email: stewart.powell@johnfhunt.co.uk
Online form: https://www.johnfhunt.co.uk/group-services/asbestos-abatement/