Cutting Concrete at Vauxhall Station

14th November 2014

The Vauxhall Station project began in July 2014 and is still running. The project comprised of the formation of a new 8mtr Ø elevator shaft for the new ‘step free’ access project.

The removal of the 2mtr thick reinforced concrete slab had to be removed by non-percussive methods as this was being carried out directly adjacent to a “live” station. vauxhallclayUsing diamond drilling methods a separation cut was made around the perimeter, and various grouting holes were prepared to enable the tunneling contractor to grout the outside of the shaft, therefore enabling the control of the water ingress whilst the tunneling was being carried out.

vauxhall stationThe inside sections were removed by diamond drilling a series of 107mm Ø cores and hydraulically bursting out the sections. All spoil was removed to load bins using the new Brokk 260, which were then transported via forklift to awaiting skips. Once the concrete was removed the Brokk 260 then began digging through the thick London clay, heading towards the completion depth of 16 meters.

Currently the John F Hunt Concrete Cutting team are 6/7 metres deep and still digging…only another few metres to go lads! Joseph Gallaghers.
For more information on concrete cutting contact us on 01375 366884.