Demolition Health and Safety on Site Reward Scheme

3rd June 2013

Demolition On-Site Safety Award Three operatives from our Demolition team working on the strip out and demolition project at 18-20 Grosvenor Street in London have been awarded high street vouchers for their outstanding contribution towards construction health and safety and behaviour on-site throughout the life cycle of this project. Our Hazard card reward scheme was introduced by John F Hunt to encourage good behavioural safety on site. The scheme raises awareness for construction site safety and also rewards our employees for their extra efforts currently introduced on our London demolition project.

Demolition On Site Safety Award

When an employee spots a potential health and safety issue or hazard on a project; or above-average employee conduct, they are able to fill out a hazard card on site to alert the project manager. Our project managers inspect the hazard cards daily and take immediate action if necessary.

All of the other hazard cards are addressed during our monthly demolition management meeting. The hazard card scheme has also been introduced to part of our environmental division, which carries out asbestos removal contracts. One of our subcontractors recently received theirs for recognition of outstanding safety performance at our Dartford removal site in Kent. (see picture) The implementation of our safety system has actively increased on-site behavioural safety and raised awareness amongst all those on-site.

It has been such a success that we are expanding the incentive scheme across all of our demolition sites in the near future, and will be introduced next at our site at Kings Reach.