The John F Hunt Land Remediation division is pleased to announce that we have Land Remediation successfully renewed our Mobile Treatment Licence (MTL) with the Environment Agency.
Our MTL authorises John F Hunt to treat contaminated materials, substances, and products for the purpose of remedial action with respect to land or controlled waters. This allows us to use the following technology and associated plant necessary to facilitate remedial action, including:
- Air Sparging
- Bioremediation – insitu and ex-situ
- Biosparging
- Bioventing
- Chemical Treatment (including oxidation, dehalogenation)
- Soil Vapour Extraction (including dual phase SVE)
- Soil Flushing (including steam injection)
- Soil Washing
- Solidification
- Stabilisation
Thermal Treatment (including thermal desorption and steam injection) and Treatment plant for blending, mixing, bulking, screening, shredding, particle size reduction and / or particle separation in order to facilitate remedial action.