CONSTRUCT Awards 2022 Winners

13th October 2022

On the 30th of September, team John F Hunt attended the CONSTRUCT Day & Awards 2022 and walked away with the prestigious Project of the Year (Over 2.5m) Award…

The win was predominantly related to the Reinforced Concrete and Civil Engineering works carried out to form the basement at the High Street Kensington Project. 

The site was recognised due to the Highly complex nature of the structure, such as the depth of the basement and the intricate propping regime that was required to carry out these works…

Additionally, it was acknowledged that the site overcame location-specific challenges, such as the logistical arrangements on-site. 

With the site works covering the entire footprint of the project, John F Hunt installed a large logistics gantry allowing excavation works to progress whilst allowing all site traffic to be brought into the site boundary. This not only allowed for the programme to be maintained but significantly reduced the effect of construction traffic on the local area.

To put the scale of the projects we were competing against in context, previous winners of this award include sites such as Tottenham Hotspur Stadium!

Secondly, John F Hunt received a Highly commended certificate for Health and Safety. This was for our proactive approach to health and safety management and a culture of engagement with our teams on the ground.

Judges recognised the use of QR codes to communicate information via mobile phones (such as our visual standards), the implementation of a bespoke operative and supervisor behavioural safety session and the use of risk review meetings to develop safe systems of work.

 Well done team!

CONSTRUCT Awards 2022 WinnersCONSTRUCT Awards 2022

Pictured from left: Gabriel Reid, Mariana Botezatu, James Adams