John F Hunt Demolition Ltd Re-Brand after 36 Years! We would like to announce that on Wednesday 1st November John F Hunt Demolition Ltd will change its name.
Over the past 10 years with client requirements becoming increasing more demanding, the nature of works traditionally undertaken by the company has changed immeasurably.
Rather than just demolishing the structures and often to provide a client programme advantage, we now undertake the most complex enabling works in the role of Principal Contractor. Often this encompasses permanent basement works including the concrete box itself, steel work, sub stations and drainage.
In addition, we are now undertaking complete infrastructure packages, building estate roads, car parks, installing deep drainage and managing services.
Specialist divisions such as Concrete Cutting are involved with the most varied aspects of construction, diamond sawing and drilling in tunnels, shafts, chimneys and over water.
The result is that we have come a long way since 1982 and the name must keep up with the business, especially when clients ask. “why the ‘Demolition’ when you do so much more?”.
So, on 1st November we will be changing our name and ….
John F Hunt Demolition Ltd will simply become John F Hunt Ltd, the major contracting divisions of which will be Demolition, Industrial Dismantling, Concrete Cutting and Environmental.
However, to accommodate this, the Group holding company now becomes John F Hunt Group Ltd.
All personnel, Directors, Share Holders, Banking, HMRC and Insurances details remain unaltered.
The object of this exercise is simply to more accurately reflect the evolving nature of the business and allow individual divisions to trade under the John F Hunt banner without being constrained by the name “Demolition”.
The other John F Hunt Companies within the Group and listed below will continue to trade as the separate entities they are today, as the re-branding concerns only the Demolition Contracting business.
John F Hunt Remediation Ltd, John F Hunt Power Ltd, John F Hunt Plant Hire Ltd, John F Hunt Hire Centres Ltd, Thameside Lifting Ltd, Thameside Supplies Ltd, Ace Consultants Ltd, Putney and Wood Ltd.
Turnover of the entire Group and its associated companies is circa £100m.