John F Hunt Remediation Continues Its Nationwide Expansion!

8th January 2018

John F Hunt Remediation continues its expansion into the Midlands and the North, with the opening of a regional office in Market Harborough. The office will serve our current brownfield regeneration projects and growing client base within the region, and is being led by our Regional Director Dr Sam Hall.

John F Hunt Remediation Continues Its Nationwide Expansion!

Our new office address is: John F Hunt Remediation, Harborough Innovation Centre, Wellington Way, Airfield Business Park, Market Harborough, LE16 7WB. Tel: 01858 414333.

2018 is set to be an exciting year for development within the Midlands and North, with John F Hunt Remediation having the knowledge and experience to unlock value in brownfield legacy sites. Sam is happy to meet up with clients / stakeholders across the region to discuss brownfield regeneration and contaminated land projects. Call Sam on 01858 414333