Royal Mint Gardens

LandMark Court



Project Duration

12 weeks

Project Cost


Project Location

Tower Hill, London E1

Location & Overview

Careys were awarded a design and build contract to construct a precast encapsulation structure over the existing DLR lines at Bank Station exit tunnel. The completed encapsulation structure extended for approximately 150m from the tunnel face.

Work, Challenges & Solutions

The Concrete Cutting team were employed to cut and remove a parapet wall to the live Docklands Light Railway Portal Tunnel to aid the installation of the permanent precast encapsulation structure.
Cutting of concrete using diamond stitch drilling equipment at locations of footings of viaducts. The walls were cut and removed through a series of vertical and horizontal cuts using a wire saw cutting technique for the vertical cuts and a track saw for the horizontal cuts.
The size and weight of each section were to be no greater than 1.5 tonnes, therefore each portion of the wall was cut at approx. 2.3 x 0.8 x 0.25m. We flame cut the sheet piles using oxygen and propane at locations on the perimeter parapet wall.
We maintained constant communication with DLR and Network Rail, throughout working hours for the initial services diversions and site constraints.


No reportable delays to the Docklands Railway, throughout our attendance.