
Efficient use of resources to promote a circular economy, with close monitoring of energy, air quality, water usage, emissions and carbon levels, is carried out through all projects and businesses within the John F Hunt Group nationwide.

Sustainable Development

efficiency and innovation

Our goal is to achieve Net Zero Carbon by 2050, through developing more efficient technologies, recycling, and waste minimalization, monitored through the use of our in-house carbon accounting platform. We maximise secondary material use, lessening the demand on primary resources, so producing an increase in efficiency and improving project costs.

Innovation is essential for the positive development of our business and the protection of our surroundings by creating maintainable solutions, our aim being to encourage resolutions that balance economic, environmental and social issues. This also creates added value for our clients, employees, subcontractors and the community in which we work.

Target image

Our Targets

As part of our ambitions to become carbon neutral, we have set the below minimum goals, which will assist in achieving our Net Zero targets.

  • Halve our greenhouse gas emissions before 2030
  • Achieve net zero emissions before 2050
  • Disclose our progress on a yearly basis

We have achieved a 56% reduction in emissions in the past year


All ‘waste’ material from John F Hunt project sites across the UK, qualifies for carbon savings when it is reused, repurposed, or recycled.

It doesn’t really matter if the material is second hand or not, simply that it arises as waste from the project it was purchased for.

Here are just a few examples of John F Hunt’s carbon saving measures

Grass letters spelling the word CO2 3D illustration, 3d render.
JFH - Regen - CH5 2LL - Ground-74

Waste diverted from landfill in 2023

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Circular Economy

In the UK, construction, demolition and excavation account for 60% of material waste generation, therefore, it has been John F Hunt’s mission to transition to a Circular Economy where as many items as possible are reused.

We partnered with Globechain, to help us increase our material re-use rate whilst making a positive impact on charities and small and medium-sized enterprises (SME’s) in the process.

Green eco infinity, net zero
The concept of carbon neutral and net zero. natural environment A climate-neutral long-term strategy greenhouse gas emissions targets with green net center icon on hand cap and green background


Sustainable energy is a very large subject, so we have chosen a small number of examples of our energy efficient operations, products and sources.

Social Engagement

Our aim is to support the local communities and businesses that we come into contact with through our work, to engage with local employment and supply chains to maximise their involvement in our projects. Although our presence on site is often short, we try to identify residents needs and help them achieve their community goals.

Through our workforce we endeavour to set people on good career paths through the provision of training, work experience, graduate courses and apprenticeships, helping to break through personal barriers, leading to better life chances.

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Behind our efforts to lower our carbon use is a huge network of specialist consulting engineers, environmentalists, doctors and scientists. Their mission on each of our regeneration, demolition and structural projects is to carry out practical monitoring programmes enabling maximum efficiency and the lowest possible carbon output in quantifiable terms.

Memberships / Accreditations

John F Hunt has committed to set near-term company-wide emission reductions in line with climate science through the Science Based Targets initiative(SBTi), Net-Zero Standard, and Business Ambition for 1.5oC, which is the UN backed ‘Race to Zero’ campaign.

Our Locations

33 Cannon Street
0207 247 0632
London Road
RM20 4DB
01375 366 700

Get in Touch

John F Hunt Group - London Road, Grays, Essex, RM20 4DB
Tel: +44 (0)1375 366 700
Email: John F Hunt Info

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