Page 82 - Visual Guidance Handbook
P. 82

Let’s all
                              FINDING MORE ASBESTOS                                                               get home safely,
                                                                                                                  every day

      If you find or suspect you have found asbestos                                          16                     Inside:
      containing materials during demolition activities                                                              1.  Sprayed coatings
                                                                                                                         Water Tanks
      unrecorded within the Asbestos Refurbishment &                                        1             15         3.  Loose fill insulation
      Demolition Survey, then:                                             12                                        4.  Lagging on
                                                                              5                        12                boilers/pipes
                                                                                                            13       5.  AIB ceiling tiles
                                                                                                                         Toilet parts
      1                   •  Stop work immediately.                        6                  11                     7.  AIB partition walls or
                          •  Move everyone working within the                        7                                   fire doors
                             area of the concern away.                                        8                      8.  Rope seals
                          •  Plant  should be moved away and      14                 7                   10          9.  Vinyl floor tiles
                                                                                                                     10. Textiles e.g. fire
                             shut down                                   3                    4                          blankets
                          •  The area will be isolated by closing                                                    11. Electrical fuse boxes
                             all doors and windows etc.                                           2

                A.I.B                                                                       9
      2                   •  Notify site management instantly                                                        Outside:
                                                                                                                     12. Roofs
                          •  They will  immediately contact         4                                                13. Panels
                             asbestos management                     A Full report with photographs to be produced   14. Gutters/downpipes
                                                                                                                     15. Eaves/arches under
                                                                     by the asbestos supervisor and using the
                          •  Access to the area is then limited      appropriate form, sent to the asbestos             balconies.
                             to designated asbestos personnel        contract’s manager and safety manager as        16. Flues
                             only                                    an Incident Record.

       3                  An appointed Asbestos Supervisor wearing the appropriate RPE
                          and PPE will inspect the area and if asbestos has been
                          uncovered, will take a number of samples for asbestos analysis. If
                          the samples are confirmed as asbestos, then the material will be
                          removed and fibre monitoring implemented, in accordance
                          with the relevant procedures detailed throughout the Asbestos
                          Policy under Standard Operating procedures.
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