Page 85 - Visual Guidance Handbook
P. 85

Let’s all
                               BROKK USE FOR DEMOLITION WORKS                                                     get home safely,
                                                                                                                  every day

     1    A pre start inspection of the
          Brokk must be undertaken
          by a trained, competent
          operative with any faults
          reported immediately.
          Ensure there are no visible
          signs of damage, faults to
          plugs, components or
          electrical cables and no                                                                                4
          hydraulic leaks.               3

                                                                            2                                            1
     2    The Brokk must be sited                                                                               6
          within a exclusion area
          (physical barriers as per the
          JFH standard) with sufficient                                                                                      5
          distance from other works as
          per the risk assessment and
          safe system of works.

     3    Hearing protection must be    5   Dust suppression must be      7    All works are to be
          worn and signage                  employed via either water or       carried out under a        Permits
          displayed around the areas        extraction systems.                permit to demolish,       to Work
          of works warning others.                                             ensuring service
                                                                               check, structural
                                       6    Outriggers must be                 stability and the
     4    Cable management must             deployed (when fitted to           condition of the
                                                                               working area.
          be maintain.  Ensure cable        the machine) and a full
          is not damaged by the             assessment of ground
          movement of the Brokk or          conditions / slab loadings
          that it presents a trip hazard    carried out prior to using
          to others in the area.            the Brokk.

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