Page 10 - Visual Guidance Handbook
P. 10

Let’s all
                              PPE (GENERAL)                                                                       get home safely,
                                                                                                                  every day

                                                        HARD HATS (BS EN 397)
                                                        Black hat – Construction Managers and Supervisor
                                                        White hat – General operatives
                                                        Blue hat – Visitors
                                                        Orange hat –Slinger / Signallers

                                                       EYEWEAR (BS EN 166)
                                                       All employees must wear appropriate eyewear
                                                       according to task and risk assessment. Safety
                                                       goggles should be used for any high-risk
                                                       activities such as breaking, grinding and cutting

                                                       HI VISIBILITY CLOTHING AND WORKWEAR
                                                       All operatives must wear full orange hi vis clothing.  Specific                 Slinger Signaller
                                                       safety critical trades will be identified on hi vis clothing such as
                                                       slinger signaller etc.  Concreting operatives must wear
                                                       disposable overalls to provide protection against COSHH.

                                                       GLOVES (BS EN 388)
                                                       All employees must wear safety gloves
                                                       appropriate to task and risk assessment.
                                                       Concrete operatives should wear impervious
                                                       gloves. Kevlar sleeves are to be used when
                                                       undertaking soft-strip demolition works.

                                                       FOOTWEAR (BS EN 345)
                                                       All employees must wear safety footwear
                                                       appropriate to task. Steel toe caps and midsoles or
                                                       wellington boots for concrete operatives. Rigger
                                                       boots are not permitted on John F Hunt sites.

       You must keep your PPE clean and tidy. Never write on, cut or tear your work clothing as it
       limits the protective properties of clothing and can reflect badly on our public image
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