Page 40 - Visual Guidance Handbook
P. 40

Let’s all
                              MEWPS- Mobile Elevated Working Platforms                                            get home safely,
                              (RESCUE)                                                                            every day

      Typical location of Emergency controls                                                                       KEY HOT TOPICS

                                                                                                                   Always ensure...
        Single valve
                                                                                                                   ▪ that prior to operating the scissor lift
                               This system works through the operation of a
                               single valve, typically found on Genie                                                both you and an operative based
                               models. Pull the valve  outwards to allow for a                                       on the ground in your  area of works
                               controlled  decent of the platform.                                                   are familiar with  therescue controls.
                                                                                                                     Each    control system is different.
                               Note: Do Not confuse emergency lowering
                               toggle for the emergency break release                                              ▪ to conduct a test rescue to
                               located directly below.                                                               confirm their correct  operation
                                                                                                                     prior to use.
         STAGE 2      STAGE 3  Stage 1                                                                             ▪ that emergency controls are clearly
                                                                                                                     highlighted with  an emergency
                               Push emergency stop inwards.
                                                                                                                     marking as shown. If this is not the
                               Stage 2                                                                               case report this to your Supervisor so
                               Turn key to lower position.                                                           they can be  scoured and
                               Stage 3
                      STAGE 1  Push down on lower switch.                                                          ▪ when you change scissor lift, that
                                                                                                                     you take the time  to re familiarise
                                                                                                                     yourself and your groundteam.
        Dual valve
                                                                                                                   ▪ to be aware of the location of
                                                                                                                     youremergency  controls and
                                                                                                                     ensure that they do not
                               Stage 1
                               Depress and turn valve situated at base of   SINGLE VALVE           SINGLE VALVE      become  obstructed or blocked
                               scissor section in location  indicated.                                               by the ongoing works or
                                                                                                                     positioning of your scissor lift.
         STAGE 1

         STAGE 2               Stage 2
                               Pull valve normally situated on side of scissor lift
                               to initiate a controlled decent.
                               Note: This system is typically found on Skyjack                                            EMERGENCY
                               models.                                                 SINGLE VALVE                    CONTROLS STICKER

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