Page 42 - Visual Guidance Handbook
P. 42

Let’s all
                              SAFE USE OF LADDERS                                                                 get home safely,
                                                                                                                  every day

          51% of all construction

          fatalities are from falls at height                                             Always ensure the ladder is
                                                                                          firmly tied off, weekly inspected   If any faults are found, they
                                                                                                                    should be reported immediately
                                                                                          and tagged                to your supervisor.

         Ladders are a                                                  Ladder                             1              1
                                                                        access must
                                                                        be side
                                                                        alighting and
         last resort                                                    gated.                  2

                                                                        For every 4-
                                                                        Up place the
                                                                        ladder base
         Use MEWPS, Podium steps, Ali
         towers.                                                        Always
                                                                        ensure that a
                                                                        ladder is
         Use ladders as last resort.                                    footed (by                  3                         2
                                                                        operative or
                                                                        plate shown)
                                                                        or tied off,
                                                                        using suitable    Always maintain three points of contact.
                                                                        material.         Do not overreach.

       Beware of broken rungs.    Do not carry power tools up   Always inspect your ladder  All ladders must return to a   Always ensure the ladder is firmly
                                                                                         central storage location for
                                  the ladders.                before use every day.                                 tied off.
                                                                                         overnight safety precautions.
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