Page 41 - Visual Guidance Handbook
P. 41

Let’s all
                              MEWPS- Cherry Pickers (cat 3b)                                                      get home safely,
                                                                                                                  every day

                      Ensure overhead risk and the potential for
                      crushing are considered within the risk                                     All tools must be tethered when working at height.
                      assessment. Ensure that there is a protective                               This can either be to the individual or to a specified
                      cover over controls preventing accident                                     anchorage point within the MEWP basket.
                      operation and if required proximity systems
                      and alarms are to be employed.

                                                                                                  All operatives must wear a full body harness and be
                                                                                                  securely attached via a restraint line to the identified
                                                                                                  anchorage point within the basket.

                                                                                                  NOTE:  This is not applicable for scissor lift type MEWPs.

                                                                                                  Operatives must be trained and competent in the
                                                                                                  use of the MEWP and must hold the 3b category.

                                                                                                  Operatives must undergo familiarisation with the
                                                                                                  make and model prior to use on site.

                                                                                                  An operative trained and competent in the use of
                                                                                                  the emergency controls must be located at the
                                      Ensure the MEWP is                                          ground level. A rescue procedure must be detailed
                                      operated on firm                                            within the method statement / risk assessment. In
                                      level ground and                                            addition to this, a rescue drill must be carried out
                                      that a full pre use                                         ensuring familiarisation with specific machines
                                      inspection is carried                                       controls.
                                      out and recorded.
                                                                           AN exclusion zone MUST be established for all
                                                                           MEWP works.

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