Page 46 - Visual Guidance Handbook
P. 46

Let’s all
                              PUBLIC PROTECTION & SCAFFOLDING                                                     get home safely,
                                                                                                                  every day

                                                                                                           Internal scaffold standard with two internal
                                                     When erecting scaffolding:                            scaffold boards against the face of the building
                                                                                                           being demolished and four scaffold boards
                                                                                                           between the internal and external scaffold.
                                                     It must follow NASC TG20*
                                                     guidelines wherever possible.                         External fire retardant “Monarflex” sheeting
                                                                                                           applied to the exterior scaffolding with a
                                                                                                           secondary sheet on the internal face draped
                                                     A compliance sheet must be                            under the plywood protection.
                                                     completed to show scaffolding is
                                                     up to TG20 and BS EN 12811                            Scaffold boarded lift with “ Monarflex” sheet on
                                                     standards.                                            top secured by plywood sheeting screwed to
                                                                                                           the scaffold board.
                                                     Staircases are the preferred
                                                     access e.g. Haki/Layher.                              NOTE: Where possible a minimum of three
                                                                                                           working lifts are to be erected on any working
                                                     Ladders must only be used as                          access scaffold.
                                                     access from one level to another
                                                     if a staircase has been proven to   Existing building line with protection tight against
                                                     be unsuitable.                    the structure preventing arisings from falling to
                                                                                       the lift below.
                                                     Scaffolders must follow NASC
                                                     SG4 guidelines to prevent falls.

                                                            Before first use or after
                                                                                                                   When erecting scaffold an
                                                           An advanced scaffolder,                                 exclusion zone is to be
                                                           scaffold health and                                     established:
                                                           safety Manager or an                                      Demarcated.
                                                           endorsed scaffolder with                                  Labelled.
                                                           over 10 years’                                            Maintained until the risk is
                                                           experience must perform                                   removed.
                                                           an inspection.                                            Suitable to contain any
                                                                                                                     falling item based on an
                                                           Scaffolds must be                                         assessment (e.g. height
       Bracing ties are essential and                      appropriately tagged
       must be installed as per a TW                       with a Scaff tag.                                         and potential deflection).
       design.  NEVER remove ties
       without the appropriate
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