Page 50 - Visual Guidance Handbook
P. 50

Let’s all
                              UTILITY SERVICES WITHIN DEMOLITION SITES                                            get home safely,
                                                                                                                  every day

               Review all               Services survey issued to site        If live head or unidentified            Project manager to issue
               relevant service         management team.                      services cannot be protected            demolition permit with
               reports and                                                    sufficiently to allow soft strip or     drawing showing the
               drawings                 Full review of survey to be carried out   demo then Project management        location including
               received from            by project manager.                   team must liaise with external          conformation of isolated
               client                                                         utilities company's to isolate          services and limit of
                                        Once scope of services is realised    outside of demo boundary.               demolition / soft strip
                                        relevant subcontractors are                                                   under this permit.
                                        contacted to isolate all incoming
                                        services at the heads.                Carried out by:
               Carried out by:                                                Project manager                         This will include the tracing
               Project manager.                                                                                       of 2 x cut ends

                         ISSUE REPORTS AND               Isolation certificates are        Project Manager to revise        Works Progress
                         DRAWINGS TO APPROVED            issued, and services directly     Demolition RAMS to reflect       ensuring ongoing
                         SERVICES  SUB-                  site side of the head are         any residual risks remaining     assessment of
                         CONTRACTORS AND                 physically cut.                   from services on site.           services
                         REQUEST A SERVICES                                                                                 termination in
                         SURVEY (TAG AND TRACE)          Issued from subcontractor to                                       relation to works
                                                         project manager.                  Carried out by:
                         NOTE:  Must show the location                                     Project manager
                         of all incomings heads and      Carried out by specialist
                         services runs                   subcontractor
                         Carried out by: Specialist
                         subcontractor                   PM to brief site team on survey
                                                         including any live services

               No demolition to be carried out if the risk of damage to live services is present.

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