Page 55 - Visual Guidance Handbook
P. 55

Let’s all
                              UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD                                                            get home safely,
                              SERVICES                                                                            every day

       The majority of                 1                                                       2           3
       incidents involving
       service strikes occur                  Permits
       because the service                   To Work
                                              to Work
       locations are either                                                                                                       Calibration
       unknown or their
       assumed positions are
                                                                         A full review of service drawings
       IT SHOULD ALWAYS BE                                               is to be carried out prior to works
       PRESUMED THAT SERVICES                                                                            A cat and gen scan  must be carried
       ARE  PRESENT UNTIL             All works that break ground are    Known services are to be        out by a trained and competent
       PROVED OTHERWISE.              subject to the ‘permit to dig’     attached to the permit and      operative and repeated at depths
                                      procedure, which must be           marked on the ground.           stated within your risk assessment.
                                                                         Overhead services are typically high-voltage power lines and present a
       4                                                                 significant risk. Any works in their proximity is considered high risk and can
                                                                         cause death or serious injury.  Seperation distance is to be advised by
                                                                         power company


        Use electrically-insulateddigging  Trade contractors must train all
        toolswhen digging by hand.    responsible personswho locate
                                      underground services so they are

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