Page 59 - Visual Guidance Handbook
P. 59

Let’s all
                             SUPPORTED EXCAVATIONS                                                                get home safely,
                                                                                                                  every day

      Components                                                                   Components Installation and excavation

                                                                                    E                        F

                                               4           5           6
            1                                                                     Excavate to max 1.0m below  Lower Base into excavation and release chains.
                                                                                  ground level (site conditions  Note: Box can also be lifted into position via tower or mobile
                                                                                                           crane if available.
                                                                                   G                                    H
                                                    7            8
                                1 Top                 5  Strut Pocket Connection
               3                2   Base              6  Lifting/Extraction Point
                                3   Strut             7  Connector Pin and R-Clip  Dig and push Base to Base depth advancing in    Lower Top onto Base and
                                4  Telescopic StrutConnection  8  Top to Base Fork Connection  maximum 300mm increments by pushing each  connect together to form
                                                                                   panel  down using excavator bucket avoiding   single box ensuring all 4top
      Construction                                                                 damage to  lifting points or panel. Note: additional   to base connection points
                                                                                                                       are fully secured.
                                                                                   trench sheets to be applied to open sections ofbox if battered ends
                                                                                   cannot be maintained.
                                                                                    I                                   J

        A                B                C                D
       Assemble by laying    Telescopic struts   Second panel lowered  Box lifted into vertical  Dig and push assembled box to required depth.   Endsafe panels or trench
       panels flat using MGF    adjusted to required   onto struts and locked  position for use.  If additional top is required repeat steps H to I.  sheet can be used in lieu
       4-leg chains provided.  width and locked into   into position before       On reaching final depth batter back open ends.  of a batter.
                        position within panel   releasing chains.                                                      Note:  a) fall restraint system to beused
                        pockets using pins and                                     Install  MGF ladder and edge protection.  to install handrails(anchorage to be
                                                                                                                       detailed within rams).
                        retaining clips provided.                                                                      b) temporarybarrier protectionto  either

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