Page 63 - Visual Guidance Handbook
P. 63

Let’s all
                             CONCRETE TESTING AND SAMPLING (SLUMP)                                                get home safely,
                                                                                                                  every day

   •  The slump test is a means of assessing the consistency of fresh concrete. It is used, indirectly, as a means of checking that the
     correct amount of water has been added to the mix. The test is carried out in accordance with BS EN 12350-2, Testing fresh   Equipment / tools required
     concrete. Slump test. Slump test frequency will be carried out in line with the concrete specification.  Slump test results are to be
     recorded on JFH form QA26 Concrete delivery record
     Sampling                                                           Let very first load of concrete go  START
                             •  Sample as the load
                                is discharged.        Take samples from   Take scoop from part 1                    Small   Sampling
                             •  Scoopfuls to be       4 different parts of                                          scoop   scoop    Steel rule
                                taken through the     the               Take scoop from part 2
                                moving stream,        load and collect in
                                sampling the whole    bucket /          Take scoop from part 3
                                width and  depth -    wheelbarrow.      Take scoop from part 4
                                not just the top.                                                                   Bucket /           Shovel
                                                                        Let last concrete go             FINISH     wheel-    Cloth
    The slump test
     Step 1                             Step 2     •  Ensure the slump cone is clean   Step 3
                •  Thoroughly remix the               and damp.
                   sample shovelling into a        •  2 Place the metal plate on a solid
                   heap in the mixing tray.           level base away from vibration or
                •  2 Turn the heap over to            other disturbance.                     •  Top up if necessary.   Slump rod Slump cone   Mixing
                   form another.                   •  3 Place the cone on the plate and      •  2 Use the rod with a sawing
                •  3 Do this 3 times.                 stand on the foot pieces.                and rolling motion to strike   and ridged   tray
                •  Flatten the heap by             •  Fill the cone in 3 equal depth           the concrete level with the   metal plate
                   repeatedly digging in the          layers.                                  top of the cone
                   shovel vertically.              •  2 Using the standard slump rod,
                •  2 Lift the shovel clear each       rod each layer 25 times.
                   time.                           •  3 Heap the concrete above the                                 Example of water addition
                                                      top of the cone before rodding the                                     chart
                                                      third layer                  Addition of water to loads
     Step 4                                            Slump types        •  under certain circumstances, it may be permissible for
                •  Carefully clean off spillage from side and               water to be added to a load of stiff ready-mixed
                                                                            concrete in order to achieve the specified consistence
                   baseplate.                                               class.
                •  2 Carefully lift the cone straight up and clear, to a   True  •  This is in accordance with BS 8500 and applies when:
                   count of between 5 and 10 seconds                      •  the slump is less than the lower limit of the consistence
                •  Lay the rod across the upturned slump cone.              class
                •  2 Measure the distance between the underside of        •  the quantity of added water is controlled by being
                   the rod and the highest point of the concrete - the      measured accurately and is recorded on the delivery
                   true slump.                                              docket
                •  3 Record this distance to the nearest 5mm. In all      •  the stiffness is not due to an excessive delay since
                   cases, record the kind of slump (opposite).   Shear      batching
                •  4 If the slump is not true, take a new sample and      •  the amount of water added does not exceed any
                   repeat the test.                                         specified limit for water:cement ratio as per the
                •  5 If the second slump is not true, notify the concrete   providers water addition chart (to be provided by
                   engineer immediately.                                    supplier)
                •  6 Complete the sampling and testing certificates.   Collapse  •  Addition of water MUST be recorded on concrete logs
                                                                            and delivery ticket.
                                                                          •  Addition of water must be approved by supplier
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