Page 64 - Visual Guidance Handbook
P. 64

Let’s all
                             PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE IN COLD WEATHER                                                get home safely,
                                                                                                                  every day

  Stage 1:  Pre concrete preparation                              Stage 2: Required Temperature
  •  Concrete should never be poured directly onto snow,
     ice, frosted or frozen ground.                               Concrete        Less than 5ºC        Between 6ºC to    Between 12ºC to 15ºC
  •  Check weather forecast and carefully plan concrete           Temperature at                       11ºC
     pour accordingly in sequence, such that it can be            Delivery
     covered with blankets.                                       Recommended     Reject the concrete   Accept and       Use frost blankets at
  •  Cover the area of pour to prevent overnight frost.           Action          and send back to the   upgrade the     early stages of the
  •  If ice / snow is present, ensure it is removed.                              supplier. If already   concrete to     pour if frost is
  •  Metal surface temperature is to not be less than 2ºC.                        accepted then        heated concrete   expected over-night
  •  Choose concrete mix proportions carefully for prompt                         heating from below   for the following   or if air temperature is
     hydration process.                                                           should already be in   deliveries      expected to fall below
  •  For cold weather order heated concrete. This raises the                      place or introduced to   thereafter and use
     concrete temperature further by about 3ºC to 7ºC.                            accept concrete.     frost blankets.
  •  Air temperature is to be 2ºC and rising

                                                            Stage 3:  Concrete placing

      SLABS                                         THIN SLABS ON METAL DECKS                  WALLS & COLUMNS
      •  Start pouring concrete early morning and use   •  Blankets on their own are not sufficient,   •  Shutters on thin walls and columns should be
        frost blankets during the first hours of pour.   space heaters (one every 25m2 ) directed   wrapped with blankets and keep the shutters in
      •  Reject concrete less than 5ºC                 upwards from below metal decking is       place for extra day or two before striking to prevent
      •  Place Ethafoam blankets over wet concrete     required for concrete delivery            damage to concrete edges or sudden collapse by
        immediately after initial levelling to contain heat   temperatures of 7ºC or less.       the force of shutters removal.
        and to start hydration process of the concrete.   •  The concrete mix may be designed such   •  Top of columns and starter bars will also be covered
      •  Close monitoring of surface hardening is      that higher blend of cement in the range of   with blankets
        important to carry out final surface levelling or to   ∞ 50% for the thinner slabs is used.   •  When struck, columns will be covered with blanket
        achieve a greater smooth surface i.e. power                                              for further 24-48 hours

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