Page 69 - Visual Guidance Handbook
P. 69

Let’s all
                              GASS FALSEWORK SYSTEMS                                                              get home safely,

                                                                                                                  every day

                                                                                          Figure 2 – From a secured anchorage
    Plywood will be cut and                                                               position W@H trained operatives will lay
                                                                                          and secure ply from above onto the
    passed from a secure
    position from behind the                                                              GASS beams.  (ALL tools to be
    handrail 1 Operatives will
    work on the fixed plywood
    to ensure they have a safe                                     2
    working platform 2.   K.
    Guard progressed with
    constructed deck to                                                                             Figure 1 – Wedge /
    remove pendulum effect 3                                                                        universal clips will be
                                                                                                    installed from below to
                                                                3                                   secure the primary beam
                                                                                                    to the secondary beam.
                                                                                                    The number of clips to be
                                                                                   1                used will be detailed on the
                                                                                                    TW drawing.
      Figure 3 – SG4 barriers
      must be complete with 2
      handrails @ heights of
      470mm & 950mm. The
      barrier must also be
      complete with toe
      board and brick guard.
      Signage to be displayed
      on the outside of the
      handrail to warn
      operatives of the
      dangers beyond.
                                                                                                                          Area below to be
                                                                                                                         excluded throughout
                                                                                                                          decking operation.

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