Page 71 - Visual Guidance Handbook
P. 71

Let’s all
                             SLIPFORMS                                                                            get home safely,
                                                                                                                  every day

                                                Prior to starting works all
                                                operatives must attend a
                                                specifically developed
                                                slipform induction briefing

                                                Operatives will display a
                                                slipform inducted sticker  on
                                                there hard hat to identify this.

     Prior to commencement
     of works a logistics plan
     for the delivery / storage
     of equipment must be in
     place along with a
     construction status
     drawing and design
     check certificate for the

                      All works at height during construction and any adaptions                                    Housekeeping must be
                      must be carried out by trained and competent persons with                                    maintained to a high standard
                      a established exclusion zone below the works.                                                throughout the rig with all leads
                                                                                                                   and materials and equipment
                      HOLD POINT:  any adaption must be subject to a full risk                                     stored away from the platforms
                      review meeting ensuring that the RAMS are amended to                                         preventing any potential trips.
                      reflect this and re-briefed to all operatives.

     Edge protection must be full
     height screens protruding a
     minimum of 2m above the top
     deck.  Platforms are to be
     sealed on trailing decks where
     they meet the core wall to                                                     Page 71
     prevent any falling materials.
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