Page 74 - Visual Guidance Handbook
P. 74

Let’s all
                              HIGH RISE PPE                                                                       get home safely,
                                                                                                                  every day

                                                                                               4       Harness
         To prevent injury to anyone, we need to stop
         materials, equipment or tools being dropped                                                    Remember the two finger rule. You
         from height.                                             1 1
                                                                                                        should only be able to fit two fingers
                                                                                                        behind the harness strap.
                                                                                 3 3

                                                                                               5      Tool Belt
            1   Hard Hats                                                                             Only store nails in a nail bag. Do not allow
                                                                                                      nails to fall to slab or deck and only store
                During cold weather, no hoodies or                      4 4                           nails in the designated storage point on
                woolly hats are to be worn, only                                                      site.
                approved hard hat comforters.
                                                                                               6      Loose items
                                                                                                          Teams working on high rise  buildings
            2   Tool Lanyards                                                                             must have a bucket  with them to
                          Tool lanyards must be used         2 2                                          collect waste as it is  produced.
                          for all small hand tools                             5
                          and tools that have the                                          CHECK LIST AND RULES
                          potential to fall from height.                                    ▪ Ensure your hard hat is secure with a chinstrap.
                                                                                            ▪ Check all your tools are tethered.
                                                                                            ▪ Never leave loose nails or debris on the deck,use
            3   Hard hat tether / chin strap                                                 your nail pouch and bucket.
                      Operatives working on exposed                                         ▪ If in doubt STOP and speak to your supervisor.
                      upped decks must have a hard hat                                      ▪ Remember: falling equipment and material is one
                      tether or chin strap on at al times.                                   of the major risks when working at height.
                      High winds can displace hats.

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