Page 73 - Visual Guidance Handbook
P. 73

Let’s all
                              STEEL MESH BARRIER SYSTEMS                                                          get home safely,
                                                                                                                  every day

         Stage 1                                     Stage 2                                           Stage 3

                                                                                                        ▪  KGuard & Combisafe use different posts that are
                                                                                                         not interchangeable. The  post must be located
                                                                                                         between No2 dimples and then twisted to lock the
                                                                                                         post into the socket.
                                                                                                        ▪  Combisafe has a spring loaded ball catch that
                                                                                                         secures the post. KGuard barriers are secured
                                                                                                         by the latches on the post.
                              •  Install from a safe location i.e.         ▪  Install KGuard or Combisafe socket bases by drilling    ▪  KGuard barriers are secured by the latches on the
                                from  below or using Alsipercha              and installing an expansion bolt into the slab.    post. Ensure that the  post is correctly seated into
                                or Leading  Edge fall restraint              Combisafe sockets require a standard M16 65mm    the socket so that the bottom of the barrier is  no
                                line.                                        bolt whereas KGuard uses a double ended stud  bolt.   more than 15mm of the slab.
                              •  Install KGuard or Combisafe                 These are not interchangeable.
                                Aluma  beam clamps at right                                              POST INSERTION             EMPTY
                                angles to the face  of the barrier.                                                                 SOCKET
                                                      SOCKET  BASES                                     ▪  Safety Post
           A TYPICAL SCHEME                                                                              insertion  into            INSERTPOST
           Note the positioning of the                             1               2               3     socket and                 WITHSPIGOTS
           two clamp types.                            20mm   200mm                                      rotation to                SINGLEINDENT
                                              PRIMARYALUMINIUM                                           engage
           •  Standard beam clamps   STANDARD ALUMINIUM   70mm                                           K-Lock Safety
                           BEAM CLAMP
             cannot be used on all   SECONDARYBEAM                                                       system.                    ROTATE POSTTO
             edges because aluminium     PRIMARYBEAM  Only install into full strength fully                                         SAFETY SYSTEM
             beams do not provide the                cured, mature, sound concrete   Insert the M16 anchor. The   Anchors must  be set using
             required strength when used             surfaces. Drill a 20mm hole, 70mm   anchor must sit flush with  setting tool.  Hammer until
             as shown.                                                 the slab surface and not sit   solid resistance is felt. This
           •  Barriers fitted to these               deep no less than 200mm from   above. If the anchor sits  secures the anchor into  the
                                                     the slab edge. Ensure that sharpe,
             incorrect clamp points                  well maintained drill bits are  proud, check the hole sizes  concrete. Anchor will  not
             would not support the                   used [image 1].   and check for debris in the    secure if not correctly  set
                                                                                        [image 3].
             required loading. Aluminium                               hole [image 2].
             beams are very flexible in
             this direction. Always use the                        4                5              6
             primary beam clamps.
         CLAMP TYPES                                                                                     INSTALLATION OF SAFETY BARRIER INTO POSTS
                                          INSUFFICIENTSTRENGTH  The socket base studs should be   Thread the socket base into the   Tighten the socket base with   ▪  Place Barrier onto spigots then
                     STANDARD                        fitted as shown. The longer                         secure  by locking latches into the
                     ALUMINIUM  Note: Ensure formwork  threated portion fits into the base.   anchor until the foot is   the KGuard spanner [image 6].  vertical  position.  REPORT
                     BEAM CLAMP  has been correctly assembled to       touching the concrete
                 ALUMA BEAMS                         Note: If the anchor is installed                                          ALL FAULTS
                 CLAMP      manufactures  specification and all   below the surface then the stud  [image5].   ▪  Ensure Barrier is installed with the
               PRIMARY      beams are correctly  assembled together.  can be reversed [image 4].         logo  side facing toward the posts.
               BEAMS CLAMP
          KEY SAFETY ISSUES                          Stage 2: Fixing to concreteslab           Stage 3: Placement of posts andbarriers
                                                     ▪  Be aware of any slab details such as post-tensioned tendons prior to   ▪  Working at Height-fall prevention - Operatives erecting edge protection must
          Stage 1: Fixing to Aluma Beams              drilling into the slab.                    wear  suitable fall protection gear and be trained in itsuse.
          ▪  Consideration must be given when erecting the deck to the location of the   ▪  On slabs, plot out the location of the posts prior to installation to   ▪  Post must be fully engaged to the socket prior to fitting barrier.
            beam  clamps. Sufficient space must be left for the clamp to be located at a   account for corners and radius elements.  ▪  Barriers must be secured using latches rather than
            right angle to  the leading edge.
          ▪  Working at Height-fall prevention using Alsipercha or Fall restraint - Operatives    ▪  Ensure the correct bolt is used for the combisafe socket (M16 bolt) and   tying wire.
                                                      KGuard  socket (double ended stud).
            erecting edge protection must wear suitable fall protection gear and be            ▪  Where beam clamps or sockets cannot be installed to provide a post and
            trained in  its use.                     ▪  Anchor must be set using setting tool.   secure  anchor for the barrier, tying wire must be used at 300mmcentres.
          ▪  The area below must also be cordoned off to prevent people walking   ▪  Ensure the socket is flush with theslab.  ▪  Where tying wire is used, consider placing warning signs to preventremoval.
            below  the works.                        ▪  Install edge protection to slab prior to removing falsework edge
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