Page 57 - Visual Guidance Handbook
P. 57

Let’s all
                             LOCATING SERVICES CONTINUED                                                          get home safely,
                                                                                                                  every day

   STAGE ONE                                                                                 Hand digging operations

                                                                                                                         Excavation to identify
                                                                                                                         services should be
                                                                                                                         undertaken to the side
                                                                                                                         of the service working in
                                                                 Operatives are to wear                                  horizontally to revile.
                                                                 flame retardant PPE when
                                                                 hand excavating around live

    Prior to any works being carried
    out ensure that up to date      A Cat and gen scan must
    service drawings are examined   be carried out using a
    to identify potential services.  CAT 4 plus system.

   STAGE TWO                                        STAGE THREE
                                 With 500mm
                                 hand dig from          Ensure that the permit is fully
                                 side of service        completed and briefed to
                                                        operatives and that a copy
                                                        is held by the team
                                 No mechanical          undertaking the works.
                                 excavators with        Ensure that RAMS / TB are
                                 2m of a HV or          updated to reflect works.
                                 identified critical

                                     No                                                         Any exposed service
                                     mechanical                                                 must be sufficiently     Operatives are to use
                                     excavators                                                 supported and            insulated tools when
                                     within 1m.                                                 protected                hand digging.

    Prior to undertaking the excavation works fully plan
    the method of dig required to carry out the task in
    the safety possible means.                                       Page 57
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