Page 52 - Visual Guidance Handbook
P. 52

Let’s all
                              WELL HOLE FORMATION AND MANAGEMENT                                                  get home safely,
                                                                                                                  every day

                                                                     When forming well holes,
                                                                     the risk of falls from height
     The Supervisor in control of placing material in the well hole must   must be considered and
     also control the removal from the base, ensuring that there is no   controlled.
     confusion or potential to enter the well hole at the same time
     waste is being removed.                                         This can be carried out in a                           Where walls
                                                                     number of ways.                                        cannot be left at a
                                                                                                                            1m height,
                                                                     1.  Walls remain 1m high.                              demolished
                                                                     2.  Scaffold A frame edge                              columns or
                                                                        protection installed.                               imported VCB’s
                                                                     3.  Stop block from                                    can be used to
                                                                        demolished waste of                                 form both edge
                                                                        imported VCB installed.                             protection and a
                                                                                                                            stop block.
                                                                     Additionally controls must
                                                                     be applied to the base of
                                                                     the well hole to ensure that
                                                                     this is fully excluded.
                                                                     1.  Physical barriers
                                                                        excluding area.
                                                                     2.  Dust control throughout
                                                                     3.  Strict controls over the                           Supervisor: If walls
                                                                        dropping of waste and                               are below 1m in
                                                                        the access to the base                              height, edge
                                                                        for removal to ensure                               protection is to be
                                                                        that this is coordinated.
                                                                                                                            supplemented with
                                                                                                                            SG4 barrier systems

                                                                                                                             NOTE: Pedestrian
                                                                                                                             barriers are not to
                                                                                                                             be used.
     Best practice is to leave wall 1m height. This forms both edge
     protection and a stop block around the well hole.

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