Page 26 - Visual Guidance Handbook
P. 26

Let’s all
                              RISK ASSESSMENTS, METHOD STATEMENT AND                                              get home safely,
                              TASK BRIEFINGS                                                                      every day

                                                                                              In additions to method statements and risks
                           A start of shift briefing must be carried out every day prior to works   assessments (RAMS) there are a number of other
                           commencing. This must cover the days activities, risks presented, controls   documents that form the safe system of works.
                           and any changes to the working environment.  Start of shift briefings can
       1                   be held within meeting rooms, training rooms or at the live workface.  These Include:

                           All works on site MUST have a site specific safe system of works in the form
                           of a method statement and risk assessment. These must be completed
                           prior to the works commencing. ALL subcontractor RAMS must be
                           reviewed in full and approved prior to works starting. Where possible
        2                  subcontractor RAMS should be received 14 days prior to works                COSHH              Lifting operations
                                                                                                     Assessments         plans and schedule
                           If there is a change (either planned or                                                        of common lifts
                           unplanned) to any task, the RAMS must be
                           revised to reflect the new risks and controls
                           prior to works commencing. Additionally task
        3                  briefing sheets can be employed to risk assess
                           and record the new safe system.

                           All briefings to operatives MUST be recorded, open question techniques
                           utilised and operatives MUST sign to confirm their understanding. RAMS       Health           Noise and Vibrations
                           and safe systems MUST be re-briefed every 3 months to ensure that skill    Assessments           Assessments
        4                  fade does not occur within the team.

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