Page 23 - Visual Guidance Handbook
P. 23

Let’s all
                              CABLE MANAGEMENT                                                                    get home safely,
                                                                                                                  every day

        DO NOT                                                                   DO

          do n o t

                                                                           Use spider boxes to
                                                                           reduce overall numbers
                                                                           of cables allowing for a
                                                                           single cable running
                                                                           from transformers and

    DO inspect leads cables and hoses prior to each use. Power leads must
    be accompanied by an associated PAT certificate. If a lead, hose or
    cable is damaged in any way STOP, DO NOT USE IT and remove it from      Use cable covers or
    general use. Report the damage to the site storeman or your supervisor.  stands to highlight
                                                                            cables / leads or raise
                                                                            them above head
                                                   ▪ Do not abandon or
                                                     leave cables when      Items such as ‘S’ hooks
                                                     work is finished,      can be employed to
                                                     always clear them      suspend cables and
                                                     away.                  ensure they do not
                                                   ▪ Do not use excessive    present a trip hazard.
                                                     amounts of leads.
                                                   ▪ Do not allow cables                             Use innovative systems
                                                     and  hoses to                                   such as T cables to
                                                     encroach onto                                   provide multiple power
                                                     access and egress                               outlets and reduce the
                                                     routes.                                         need for trailing leads.

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