Page 21 - Visual Guidance Handbook
P. 21

Let’s all
                              HOUSEKEEPING - GENERAL                                                              get home safely,
                                                                                                                  every day

                                                                               Maintain a clean, tidy, trip hazard   Remove waste as it is
    Ensure sufficient space exists on site for the                             free workspace. Use dust bags
    storage of  materials. Plan deliveries and                                 when working externally and       produced. DO NOT allow the
    identify storage areas on site. DO NOT over                                extraction system when working    build up of off cuts or
    congest projects.                                                                                            materials. De-nail all waste
                                                                               internally on circular saws.      timber as works progress.

    Plan storage space and segregate storage    Ensure safe access routes exist      Use saw stands to keep        Use cable covers, ‘S’ hooks
    areas with physical barriers clearing       between materials                    tools away from the floor     or stands to cover or raise
    segregating them from works areas.                                               avoiding trip hazards         cables and eliminate the
                                                                                     and damage to tools.          trip hazard.

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