Page 22 - Visual Guidance Handbook
P. 22

Let’s all
                              HOUSEKEEPING – STEEL STORAGE                                                        get home safely,
                                                                                                                  every day

                                               1                                             2                                             3
       Plan                                           Placement                                     Access

       Plan your storage areas and deliveries using   Use timber wedge as shown. This stops steel   Ensure that adequate space exists between
       the logistics board. As deliveries are booked,   bundles over spreading when ties are cut.   bundles to allow access for slingers or steel
       plan were they will be laid down and ensure                                                  fixers to recover bars and bundles.
       that adequate space is available.

                                                      SITE RULES

                                                      ▪ The observations within this common standard   ▪ Lay down areas, where possible, should be
                                                        are being implemented on a project and are   segregated from the live work face.
                                                        viewed as best practice. This therefore must be
                                                        implemented across all projects.          ▪ Prefabrication areas should be barriered off
                                                                                                    and clearly signed.
                                                      ▪ Correct and thorough planning is key to storage
                                                        of steel on projects. Call offs must be planned   ▪ The timber wedge shown within this document
                                                        with available space in mind. The site logistics   should be employed. This assists with forming
                                                        plan and logistics deliveries board should be   walkways between bundles and prevents steel
                                                        used together to plan lay down areas and    from over spreading.
        Mark out and segregate storage and              required space.
        prefabrication areas where possible.

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