Page 24 - Visual Guidance Handbook
P. 24

Let’s all
                              FIRE PREVENTION AND EMERGENCY.                                                      get home safely,
                                                                                                                  every day

                                                                     A Fire plan for the project
                                                                     must be developed        Sites must ensure
                                                                     including:               that fire escape
                                                                     1.  Evacuation routes.   signage is clearly
                                                                     2.  Muster point location  displayed and a
                                                                     3.  Fire point locations
                                                                                              sufficient number
                                                                                              of fire points are
                                                                     NOTE:  A minimum of two
                                                                     emergency exit points    positioned around
                                                                     must be in place.        the project.

                                                                     Fire drills must be      These must have a
                                                                     regularly carried out to   means to raise an
                                                                     test the plan and the    alarm and
                                                                     results of these recorded.  evacuate the site.

                                       Wireless alarm systems are to   Flammable liquids must be
                                       be used and interlinked.    stored away from sources
                                       Alarms are to be tested     of ignition in a specified                         ALL hot works such as
                                       weekly and sites must ensure   storage area.                                   cutting, burning or grinding
                                       that they can be heard in all                                                  of metal must be carried
                                       areas of site.              Oxy / LPG must be stored in                        out under a hot works
                                                                   separate cages with                                permit
                                       Trained fire marshals are to   locations clearly marked on
                                       be in place and there photo,   the site fire / logistics plan.
      Mono flex must be flame retardant   name and contact details
      (LPS1215 certified).             displayed on site.                                                           Page 24
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