Page 19 - Visual Guidance Handbook
P. 19

Let’s all
                              WALKWAYS                                                                            get home safely,
                                                                                                                  every day

        Red archways to mark                            2                                                        •  Slips trips and falls still
        cross over points and                                                                                       contribute to the majority
        entry into works areas with                                                                                 of on site accidents.
        clear warning signage.                                                                                   •  Footpaths should be at
                                                                                                                    least 1.2m wide.
                                                  3                                                              •  All walkways must be

    3   Clear defined walkways            1                                                                         obstruction free trip.  Trip
        segregated from site                                                                                        hazards such as trailing
                                                                                                                    leads or cables must be
        activities and vehicle                                                                                      covered or raised above
        movement.                                                                                                   head height.
                                                                                      1                          •  Steps should be uniformly
                                                                                                                    constructed with non-slip
                                                                                                                    treads and handrails.

                                                                                                                 •  Walkways must be well lit
                                                                                                                    with any steps or changes
                                                                                                                    in levels highlighted.
                                                                                                                 •  If in adjacent to vehicle
                                                                              1     In demolition and ground        routes then stop blocks
                                          3                                         works environments ensure       must be installed.

                          1                                                         no debris or “ankle turners”   •  All walkways must be free
                                                                                                                    from trip hazards and
                                                                                    are present in walkways.        level underfoot.
                                                                                    Use concrete blinding,
                                                                                    mats when required to
                                                                                    form a level surface.

          Walkways should be segregate from vehicles, clearly defined and free from trip hazards. Colour
          coded barriers should be in place.                         Page 19
          Red = Exclusion zone and John F Hunt Blue = Walkway
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